

Lioness, inspired by an actual U.S. Military program, follows the life of Joe while she attempts to balance her personal and professional life as the tip of the CIA's spear in the war on terror. The Lioness Program, overseen by Kaitlyn Meade and Donald Westfield, enlists an aggressive Marine Raider named Cruz to operate undercover alongside Joe among the power brokers of State terrorism in the CIA's efforts to thwart the next 9/11.

Tür: Drama,Thriller,Espionage
Dizi Başlangıç Tarihi: 23.07.2023
Dizi Bitiş Tarihi:
Yeni Bölüm: S02E08 - The Compass Points Home - 08.12.2024
Son Yayınlanan Bölüm: S02E07 - The Devil Has Aces - 01.12.2024
S02E08The Compass Points Home08.12.2024Bekliyorum
S02E07The Devil Has Aces01.12.2024İzlemedim
S02E05Shatter the Moon17.11.2024İzlemedim
S02E04Five Hundred Children10.11.2024İzlemedim
S02E03Along Came a Spider03.11.2024İzlemedim
S02E02I Love My Country27.10.2024İzlemedim
S02E01Beware the Old Soldier27.10.2024İzlemedim

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